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Hi, I am Amit Kumar Jha. This is my little webspace.


Neighborhood Stuffs Layout

Neighbourhood Stuffs

HTML CSS JS React JS React MUI Redux AWS Docker Node JS MongoDb Spring Boot Java Auth0 Google Maps Places API Google OAuth2 PWA

This project is a peer to peer renting app. I have developed it as my pet project. It enables users to put their stuffs on rent. Sellers could create advertisement posts for the stuffs they want to rent. Once advertisement post is created, it is visible to the other users based on their geo location. Users are allowed the change the range in which they want to search the stuffs of their choice. The app offers contact details of the seller which the other users could use to contact the seller.

I have deployed this project on AWS and it uses microservice architecture. Front end is developed using React JS. Backend is developed using Spring Boot and Node JS. Node JS is used for image processing and Spring Boot is used for data apis.

Brick break game layout

Angular Code Highlighter

HTML CSS JS Angular JS Bootstrap

This is a simple Angular library for formatting and highlighting the code in various languages. It supports line numbers and marking the searched texts in the code.

Brick break game layout

Brick break


This is a simple brick break game app which probably everyone of us would have played during their childhood. I have created this app using simple JS, HTML Canvas and CSS. It stores the scores in the browsers local storage.

Brick break game layout

Angular Metergauge


This is a simple Angular library for rendering Metergauges. It uses D3.js for rendering the metergauge view.



If you want to get in touch with me for any reason, just send me a mail at

It will be my pleasure to have a conversation with you.